Inspired by
Bianca Hewes and
Tekkie Brekkie I have organised four Lunch and Learns in school.
The idea behind Lunch and Learn is that I wanted to offer training, ideas, advice and an opportunity to try in an informal situation to the staff in school. I didn't want people to feel pressured to attend, but at the same time I wanted to be able to say that I at least tried to introduce technology and ideas into lessons.
Its success has been limited to only a small number of colleagues so far but I've been really pleased with the effect it's had on them.
I began Lunch and Learn before Christmas and there have been four so far, with many ideas for more.
The four workshops have been:
- An introduction to Dropbox.
- Adding pictures to the school website.
- Using a data logger.
- Using a flip camera.
Despite a small attendance I've thoroughly enjoyed delivering the 'training'.
My ideas for further Lunch and Learns are:
· Bee-Bots
· Computerised-microscope
· Adding information to your year group page
· Using Word/Publisher/PowerPoint
· Adding blogs to your website
· Setting up an online quiz
· Using Robolab to control robots
· Programming with Logo
· What are computer simulations? How can they be used in the classroom?
· Text messaging
· New websites that we have found