March seemed to last forever! I've been trying to cram so much in before the baby arrives.
ICT Course
At the beginning of the month I attended a course that introduced a new Cheshire ICT scheme. It was really interesting and very worthwhile attending. I still need to gather my thoughts about it and introduce the changes in September.
Not drinking
Not that I'm a big drinker, but I've avoided all alcohol this month in case the baby arrives and I need to drive my wife to the hospital. However, the baby still isn't here!
Leadership course
I enjoyed a course on leadership styles.
Visited Liverpool World Museum
We took our Year Threes to the museum to learn about Ancient Egypt. We watched a show about Egyptian artefacts and were given a presentation on the natural history of Ancient Egypt. The artefacts were fantastic and I loved seeing the children's enthusiasm and interest in our topic develop during the visit.
Performance Management
It was good to be given some training on performance management. One of the outcomes from the training is that we are reviewing the job descriptions of all staff in the school.
It was good to see Teachmeet style training being promoted to senior leaders at an event at Cranage Hall.
Parents' evenings
We are very lucky to have supportive parents in school and it was, as always, a pleasure to meet with them this month.
Using 2DIY
My class and I have fallen in love with this amazing programme from 2Simple during March. We have made a few different games, and I love how it gives a real opportunity to make ICT really cross-curricular. I need to share some examples of the children's work...